In the competitive mill environment; yield optimization, throughout, length/weight performance consistency and scrap reduction is all important to operation success. Incorrect or erratic billet length and weight generate waste and energy costs through re-heat, customer rejection, and extra annealing energy that saps the caster and post-processing lines of volume. Extra handling raises the cost per ton beyond target financial objectives. Marginally long billet gives away product.
We Aditya Technologies provided hot online/ offline billet weighing system is customized to fit in to existing roller table. No matter the system can capable to accurately record the weight of moving billet with suitable stopper arrangement and lifting for high temp hot billets. Also the system can be integrated with PLC to record the billet weight in synchronisationwith PLC. We also provide the customized software application to monitor the billet production process. Fully integrated billet weighing system used to measure the hot and cold billet in static and dynamic mode.
Delivering exact billet weights improves melt shop yield by 0.5%
Reduced tailings improve rolling mill yield by 0.5%
Achieve weighing accuracy of ±1 kilogram per every 1000 kilograms